Vitamins are an important part of our world, the source of nutrition. As Americans, we rely on the Food and Drug Administration, responsible for legislation on food safety and nutrition guidelines to guide us in our quest for perfect health. The FDA recommended amounts of the five food groups according to age, sex is determined, and the level of physical activity. In this sense, one often tries to compensate for the nutrients missing due to wrong dietary habits ofConsumption of natural vitamin supplements. Although many of the facts, know nothing about it on vitamins and decide to trust again, what do they think is the best solution for maintaining healthy life.
Vitamins can not replace food
Ensure that a body gets what it needs is easy. You do not have enough time to cook a gourmet? No big deal! Only a few vitamins. That we should be the case, right? Wrong! The facts about vitamins, we have believedalways suggested it as an alternative to the promotion of natural health. Although supplements should never be a substitute for the natural additives in our food.
Research Your Purchase
If you put in an outlet to vitamin supplements, the purity of the product purchased is never in question? How much of the actual nutrient is added? The amounts of the vitamins we take today, synthetic substances, more than 95% in fact. TheVitamins are synthesized in some form and combined with one or more natural formulated it natural nutrients that it represents. Although most of the alleged natural vitamins are not quite one hundred percent natural.
How Drug Companies Deceive
Competition between pharmaceutical companies have become so intense that it felt with misleading consumers to believe them, and the possibility that their supplements are the natural or the strongest. They use fancy labels andpolished phrases that trick consumers trust that are in their purchases of nutrients in natural foods and not otherwise find.
What is actually our bodies ingest
It is estimated that our bodies are not more than 50% of the vitamins we take to absorb. This may be the reason, more pharmaceutical companies recommend two all the way up to six doses per day in the labels. Although the natural minerals absorbed you are a very small percentage of the capsule. Absorbing largeQuantities of the chemical plastics in each tablet contained vitamin, may well be an adverse impact. These effects vary from person to person, but are toxic and cause stress, disease and other health topics.
The facts about vitamins that we require to bear dramatic health often hear praise and lasting results. But our health is on the line and that alone should be a thorough investigation of the vitamins they intend to buy that track the command promptVitamins are naturally oriented food and realized that life is healthy, with no short cuts.
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